Change your mindset now and see problems as opportunities - Here's how.
This post takes 5 minutes to read and is written by Annika Lagerqvist
Do you often experience "problems" in everyday life that cause stress and hinder your ability to create? Then you are not alone. But what if you could change your mindset and see these problems as opportunities? That's what I want to teach you in this post!
Talk to any successful entrepreneur and you'll find an important common trait: they all have a unique mindset that allows them to handle challenges differently.
Instead of seeing problems as burdensome, they see them as opportunities. Opportunities to grow, improve, or adapt in ways that make them better people and businesses.
This way of thinking has many advantages, here are 3:
👉🏼 It reduces stress. If you see your problems as an opportunity for positive change, they feel less daunting.
👉🏼 It puts the problem in a new perspective. Because you immediately start thinking about solutions and answers, you have an easier time analyzing and understanding.
👉🏼 You are encouraged to grow. Every problem you see and solve in this way also makes future problems easier to deal with. And with that, you've created a positive spiral.
But unfortunately, there is no magic wand that will make you see your problems this way. If you want to change your mindset, you need to take the time to train your brain! And it will take will and effort for you to see the results. For starters:
Accept that problems are inevitable
Most of us react negatively to problems when they surprise us. You know, like when you're on your way to work and your car gets a flat tire. A totally unexpected event that can make you feel like your day is ruined.
If you can learn to accept these situations as a normal and unavoidable part of life, you will have taken your first step towards dealing with them with more understanding.
But how do I avoid a negative reaction?
Good question. Your first reaction to an unexpected situation is the one that defines you, so now is the time to steel yourself! Easier said than done, I know. So let's take the example of the flat tire on your car. Your first reaction is: "No, now I'm going to be late for work!" Or: "This is going to cost me a lot of money I don't have!"
In other words, your first instinct is to put the problem in a negative light instead of seeing it for what it is - a situation. So when these situations arise, take a deep breath and put an end to the negative thoughts by simply seeing the situation for what it is in the here and now. Change your mindset to:
I got a flat tire. What can I do now to solve it in the best way?
Practice this with small-scale problems in your everyday life. Like when you accidentally bump your coffee cup and it spills out onto your desk, or forget to buy garlic for the tomato sauce (disaster). It's our human instinct to react negatively to these situations, especially when we're in a hurry or under stress.
Stop being so ego
Well, we often have a self-centred view of the world and like to look at our problems from a selfish perspective, i.e. how they affect us. But if you remove yourself and think of the problem as "just" a problem, without putting any value on it, it also becomes easier to deal with.
A good strategy is to describe the problem to yourself just as it happened: 'I've got a flat tyre. First I'll call work and say I'll be late, and then I'll get help to change the tyre." This will help you avoid the egocentric and emotional reactions that usually occur.
Learn how to objectively evaluate the problems and consequences
By changing your mindset, you will help yourself to shift your focus from seeing the problem as a burden or something that spoils you, and instead act more neutrally. You don't have to turn it into something positive, but we often see problems as something bigger than they really are. Our brains are programmed to think the worst in order to prepare us for possible threats. Ignore negative reactions and focus on improvements. And don't forget...
... there is no shortcut! You have to train your brain like you train a muscle to change your mindset. And coolest of all? Anyone can do it.