5 Tips on How to Tackle the Quietest Month of the Year as an Entrepreneur
This post takes 2 min to read and is written by Annika
Is January one of your quieter months of the year? Then this is the perfect time to reflect on the past year and plan for the new one. We've listed 5 things you can do as a self-employed person today, and you can start by asking yourself two questions:
1. What mistakes should I not repeat this year?
Be honest with yourself. What do you need to do differently this year for the well-being of both you and your company?
2. What did I do really well?
Can I do even better in 2023 and if so, how?
3. Reflect with your team
Dare to take constructive criticism. We self-employed spend a lot of time " solving it" ourselves. Do you recognise yourself? But if you want a motivated team working towards the same goal, everyone needs to feel involved. They grow, you grow and the company... grows!
4. Speaking of growing... Prepare to grow
Set clear but relevant goals. For 2023, we have used SMART goals - specific, measurable, accepted by all in the team, realistic, and time-bound. Work smarter not harder.
5. Invest in someone who can help you with your digital communications
Or invest in yourself by taking a course. But start by asking yourself: what social media is my target audience hanging out on? And start with ONE platform. Check out the #SoMe mothership and the Swedish Communicators for a wide range of courses.
Start today! Why not set yourself the goal of going through (not finishing) these 5 points in 5 days?
Choose one point per day, Monday to Friday for the coming week. It could be as simple as scheduling a meeting with your team on one of the days, to set up a social media account next, or to sign up for a course. And remember: "big things often have small beginnings."