5 Simple Tricks That Will Make You a More Creative Entrepreneur
This post takes 2 min to read and is written by Malin
In yoga, people often talk about directing energy inwards instead of outwards, a wisdom that is just as useful for you as an entrepreneur!
By that we mean: Don't focus so much on trying to be bigger and better than your competitors, instead put the energy into contributing more creative solutions to your customers!
But we entrepreneurs have a lot around us, and from personal experiences we know that stress negatively affects our creative thinking. Therefore, try these 5 simple tricks next time you need to boost your creativity.
1. Take a break and switch up your routine
What inspires you? It doesn't have to be related to the company. Sometimes we take a walk to the local bakery Lilla Sur, a business whose success is built on a love of the bread craft. It's impossible not to be boosted by passionate entrepreneurs like these!
Or why not visit an art museum? The image above is from the exhibition Girls, Girls, Girls by Julia Peirone at Gothenburg Art Museum.
2. Listen to a podcast
Get up a little earlier in the morning and go for a walk with an inspiring podcast in your headphones. Like The School of Greatness with Lewis Howes
3. Set goals
Writing down your goals frees up space in your brain for more creative thinking. It also makes it easier to say no to commitments that are not related to the objectives.
4. Take a yoga class
Are you one of those people who says " I'm too stressed for yoga"? That's why it's your best tool to get back to creativity. We can highly recommend Yin Yoga which is all about giving yourself and letting go to still body and mind.
5. Avoid being a perfectionist
Only when you let go of the demands on you can you find creative solutions to your problems. For example, do you have an idea you want to improve but don't know how? Share it with someone you trust who thinks differently from you. You don't have all the answers and asking for other people's opinions is not a sign of weakness.